Welcome to N4GN.com!

[Picture of me at 
the SK0TM club station in Stockholm, Sweden]

Hi! My name is Tim Totten. You have stumbled into my dusty old corner of cybserspace. N4GN is my U.S. amateur radio call sign, in case you were wondering about the strange title for this web page. I have not lived in the States for a while, and sadly, I have not really maintained this site very well over the years.

These days, you can find much more up-to-date information on my ham radio activities at 4G1G.ph (coming soon!). 4G1G is my new primary ham radio station in the Philippines. You can also find me actively on the air from Puerto Rico under the NP4TT club call, but because of HOA restrictions, my station there is quite modest. My more general web page (yes, I'm also into things other than ham radio) can be found at TimTotten.com.

N4GN DXCC Band Totals
Wkd Cfmd
160 165 159
80 246 245
40 317 315
30 263 258
20 345 344
17 303 296
15 340 340
12 252 237
10 314 312
6 86 81
Total 2631 2587

If you'd like to learn more, check out What is Amateur Radio? (a.k.a. "ham radio"), or drop me an e-mail, and I'll try to answer any questions you might have. I'd love to hear from you!

My primary ham radio interests are DXing (see my DX totals below) and contesting on the HF bands, particularly on CW, but also on SSB, FT8, RTTY and other modes. I'm also active in other areas such as 6 meters. From Kentucky, I was on all the VHF/UHF/microwave bands up to 24 GHz.

I am a Life Member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), a Life Member of the Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA), and was a founding member of the Kentucky Contest Group (KCG). I have also served on the Board of Directors of, and am currently an Advisor to the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF). If you're a DXer, please consider supporting the NCDXF!

I received my first amateur license in 1976, at the age of 10 (WN4UYU, which later became WA4UYU). I soon upgraded to a General class license. Eventually, in 1985, I upgraded to Advanced, changed my call to KJ4VH, then quickly upgraded to Extra. I needed those Extra class privileges once I was bitten by the DX bug!

N4GN DXCC Mode Totals
Wkd Cfmd Notes
Mixed 349 349 Worked 'em all!
CW 348 348 Need only P5
SSB 349 349 Worked 'em all!
RTTY 267 256 Long way to go!

In 1996, I changed my call once again (under the vanity call sign program) to N4GN. It's much better on CW! In 1997, I passed the highest-class Finnish amateur radio exam, and also received the Finnish vanity call OH4GN. In 2013, I also passed the Class A amateur exam in the Philippines and received the call sign 4F1GN. Since 2023, my vanity call in the Philippines is 4G1G. My call in Antigua and Barbuda, where I am also a citizen, is V21TT.

N4GN VUCC Totals
Wkd Cfmd
FFMA 399 382
6 615 583
2 145 141
All with 100 W or less and single yagis

If you ever have the chance to "be DX" for a while, don't pass it up--it can be a lot of fun! In recent years, I have had the fortunate opportunity to operate from 46 different DXCC Countries, including Morocco, China, Nauru, Grenada, Huang Yan Dao (Scarborough Reef), the Netherlands Antilles, Hong Kong, Solomon Islands, ITU Headquarters, Antigua, Palau, the Philippines, the Galapagos Islands, Iceland, Monaco, San Marino, the Temotu Islands, Montserrat, Dongsha Dao (Pratas Island), Thailand, Turkey, the Aland Islands and Market Reef. See the complete list if you are interested. It seems I'm always thinking about "where do we go next?" Indeed, I already have more dreams for future DXpeditions than I can possibly squeeze into my schedule!

After many years of bachelorhood, I finally met the woman of my dreams in January, 2002. Her name is Joana, and we were married on 04 October, 2003. The ceremony took place in Tagaytay City, Philippines. You can get all the details on Tim and Joana's Wedding Site. As if that wasn't enough, Joana also has a terrific son from her previous marriage, whom we call Phivocs, but most of the rest of the world knows as John. He's really an amazing young man, and I can't believe what a 2-for-1 deal I got!

Well, enough about me. If you are really bored, you can find out more by clicking on my picture above. Better yet, check out my personal blog at TimTotten.com, or my LinkedIn profile or Facebook page. And for anyone who might be interested, my résumé is available (PDF format).

[N4GN QSL card]

This is my old N4GN QSL card. The picture is of my wife Joana and me with some amazing Philippine tarsiers (Tarsius syrichta) on the island of Bohol (DU7).

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