BS7H 1997 is on the air!
The BS7H team has been working since local sunrise to establish the first two operating sites. At approximately 0445Z, 30 April, they hit the airwaves! The team is still working out some minor technical problems, but should be running full bore very soon.
Propagation conditions during the past two days have been very good, with strong signals from BS7H/MM reported around the world. Absorption, as indicated by the planetary K index, has increased slightly in recent hours, but still remains relatively low. Additional propagation information has been added to the BS7H 1997 Home Page. Also new to the Home Page is a link to BS7H 1997 PacketCluster spotting information.
The operating team reports good weather conditions, which are expected to continue for the duration of the operation.
N4GN would like to thank G3NOM/9M2OM and DU9RG, who have been particularly helpful in maintaining communications with the BS7H team over the past 48 hours. Also, thanks to VR2GO, who helped transport several teams members (along with all their equipment!) from Hong Kong's Kai Tak Airport to the Kowloon-Canton Railway station. These are but a few of the 'behind-the-scenes' DXers who help ensure the success of a major DXpedition such as BS7H 1997. Thanks!
For additional information, please visit the BS7H 1997 Home Page ( or contact Tim Totten, N4GN, at e-mail or fax +1-502-239-7766.