Scarborough Reef Propagation

The planetary K index gives a good indication of propagation conditions over the polar and auroral paths (such as between BS7H and the eastern half of the United States). The lower the K index, the better the signals can be expected over this path. Ideally, look for several consecutive periods with a K index of 2 or less.

Following is the latest plot of the K Index (updated every 3 hours), thanks to the Space Environment Center:

[K Index

Here is the solar-terrestrial forecast for the period of the BS7H 1997 DXpedition:

# Twenty-seven Day Space Weather Outlook Table
#          Issued 1997 Apr 22
#   UT       Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest
#  Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index
1997 Apr 29      74           8          3
1997 Apr 30      76           8          3
1997 May 01      76          10          3
1997 May 02      76           8          3
1997 May 03      74           8          3
1997 May 04      74           8          3
1997 May 05      74           5          2
1997 May 06      74           5          2
1997 May 07      74           8          3

Well-known HF propagation expert Bob Brown, NM7M, has agreed to provide an analysis of the various propagation paths to Scarborough Reef. New information will be added here as it becomes available.

For everything you need to know about basic HF radio propagation, you should pick up a copy of Bob's book, The Little Pistol's Guide to HF Propagation. It's available for $10 (plus $2 S&H) from Worldradio Books, P.O. Box 189490, Sacramento CA 95818, U.S.A.
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Last modified 05 March 1999 by Tim Totten,