Joana and Phivocs
Here are some of my favorite pictures of
Joana and Phivocs. You should also check out Tim and Joana's Wedding Site.

Engagement day!
(New Year's Day, 2003)

Joana, Tim and Phivocs in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Manila
(March, 2002--the last days of "the moustache era"!)

John Perpetou "Phivocs" Baylosis Jose
(March, 2002--age 10)

Joana's first snow! This is in the front of Mom and Dad's place.
(December, 2002)

Joana and Aunt Omy in Bardstown, Kentucky.
(December, 2002)

Tim, Mommy Mila (Joana's mother) and Joana. Taken in the Baylosis
family residence, Taal, Batangas Province, Philippines. Notice the
picture of Joana's father, who passed away in 1984.
(September, 2002)

Joana at the "Frozen Niagara" entrance to Mammoth Cave
(Kentucky). This was a beautiful sunny day after a small ice storm.
(December, 2002)

Zee Totten (Dad's stepmother) and Joana, taken at my house.
(December, 2002)

Joana is a terrific cook! Here, she's making my birthday
(November, 2002)

Mom, Joana and Tim, at the Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee.
(December, 2002)