Rohn 55G Guy Bracket Assemblies

This Rohn 55G tower is being erected at N4GN. After installing the second guy bracket assembly and second set of guys, I noticed a slight bowing of the horizontal "zee" brace. Then I discovered that I had installed a GB45D bracket (for Rohn 45G tower), as opposed to the proper GB55D bracket! What can I say? I guess I should have checked my order a little more closely before installation!

The first four pictures are of the incorrect guy bracket assembly (the GB45D). For comparison, the second four pictures are of the correct assembly (the GB55D).

GB45D installed on 55G. Note bowed horizontal zee brace.

GB45D installed on 55G. Note bowed horizontal zee brace.

GB45D installed on 55G. Note snugness of fit around tower leg.

GB45D installed on 55G. Note snugness of fit around tower leg.

Normal GB55D installation on 55G.

Normal GB55D installation on 55G.

Normal GB55D installation on 55G.

Normal GB55D installation on 55G.

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